Sunday, October 28, 2012

Debt and Credit Counseling

ClearPoint’s NFCC-certified, consumer credit counselors are specialists in the areas of money management, credit cards, budgeting, credit and debt reduction. We offer credit counseling over the telephone, online, and face-to-face at one of our 50+branches across the nation. As a nonprofit organization, we offer free credit counseling sessions which usually last about 60 minutes.

After getting an overview of your financial picture by taking inventory of your credit cards, income and expenses, you and your ClearPoint credit counselor will discuss your financial goals and create an action plan to help you meet those goals. Financial goals may include surviving a financial crisis–such as a job loss, divorce or death; getting out of debt; saving for a downpayment on a home; building an emergency savings cushion. Most personalized plans include prioritizing debt repayment, use of household budget, addressing credit issues, and possibly a debt management plan. We usually also run your credit report, at no cost to you, to get a clearer snapshot of your credit standing.
To maximize the time you can work with your credit counselor to strategize your plan, write down a detailed list of your monthly expenses and income for use in your credit counseling session. Before beginning, let your counselor know you have created this list and ask to email it to him or her.
Call ClearPoint at 800.750.2227 (CCCS) to schedule a credit counseling appointment or go ahead and get started now online.

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